Practical Power
Using a vertical jump and plyometric push up, we are able to measure your jump and push-up height. By relating these measures to your body weight, we are also able to predict your maximum force and velocity capabilities, providing you with a practical and scientific assessment of your ballistic upper and lower body qualities.
Power Profile
Using a force plate and linear position transducer, we are able to provide a complete diagnosis of your power qualities. The assessment will include a variety of lower and upper body power tests customised to your individual requirements. These will include jumping and throwing tasks utilizing a range of loads specific to your body type […]
Speed Profile (timing lights)
Speed is one quality that in many cases separates the elite athlete/player from the non-elite. Using state-of-the-art timing light technology, we can accurately measure your sprint times over 5 to 40 meters. We also offer team and off-site sprint testing for an additional cost.
Speed Plus (radar)
Using radar technology and advanced diagnostic techniques, we are able to assess your maximum sprinting speed (km/h), maximum horizontal force and maximum horizontal velocity capabilities. This additional information provides you with a more detailed representation of your sprinting capability to better inform your sprint training. We also offer team and off-site sprint testing for an […]
Speed and Agility
In addition to straight line speed, an athlete’s ability to change directions quickly is crucial – particularly in team sports where evading defenders and covering your opponent in defense can be crucial. The ‘speed for sport’ assessment includes a sprint test as well as a sports specific change of direction test. We also offer team […]
Sprint Kinetics Testing
Imbalances in dynamic leg strength may increase the likelihood of injury. A baseline analysis of individual kinetics and kinematics during maximal and sub-maximal sprinting on a non-motorised force treadmill will help pinpoint any imbalances that may lead to pre- or in-season injuries. The subsequent analysis and report includes the determination of individual strength and power […]
Individual Aerobic Test
A number of field based aerobic tests are available on request, including: yo-yo intermittent recovery test, Australian shuttle run, Leger shuttle run, 30-15, and repeated sprint test.
Training Sessions
Our full range of training sessions. If your looking for a group based training session then contact us to discuss – price on application.
Includes comprehensive consultation plus; CPET conducted on either a treadmill or cycle
Includes Comprehesive Consultation and Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test / Vo2 Max plus;
Includes basic measures plus: