Gary Kettless
Profile Photo - Gary Kettless

Gary Kettless

Personal Trainer

Training Specialties

  • Injury rehabilitation
  • Help with recovery from long term injury
  • Soft tissue specialist
  • Improve mobility through stretching and exercise programmes
  • Posture analysis and range of motion assessment
  • Fitness and weight loss
  • Core strength and toning
  • Sport specific training programmes
  • Group and partner training

Qualifications and Achievements

  • Certificate in Fitness (Personal Training) Level 4
  • Fitness (Exercise Consultant) Level 3
  • Diploma in Management of Activity Injuries
  • Diploma in Clinical Sport Therapy Level 4
  • Certificate in Body Massage – Sports massage
  • Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology
  • Certificate in Recreation and Leisure
  • First Aid Certificate
  • Pre-Hospital Certificate
  • Qualified triathlon coach

“WARNING! Exercise has been known to cause health and happiness!”

Gary has been in the sporting industry for over 25 years. His main field is working with over 40 year olds, mainly around recovering from injuries or operations. Gary is not only a personal trainer but also a practicing sports therapist for over 20 years, giving him an edge when it comes to understanding the mechanics of recovery, and the beginning of the road to recovery, health and fitness.

In Gary’s words, “At 56, I understand how an older person feels when training and during recovery. That understanding can only come from experience and age.”


Gary has been my gym and rehabilitation trainer for four years now. I say he’s encouraging, supportive and an expert in coaxing my somewhat health challenged body and mind into safe, balance and extended exercise. He’s pushed me past what I thought were my limits, helped me through surgery and illness and kept me laughing throughout. He is well versed in rehabilitation, encouraging appropriate exercise through injury and illness. It’s been well worth our investment in his time and skills!

Dr Tania Austin – MBChB FANZCA


Gary has been helping me achieve my goals regarding strength, stability and the rehabilitation of my injuries with his training methodology, triathlon knowledge and sport masseuse techniques. He has create specific fitness programmes for me to follow, and within a few weeks the results are not only reflected in my improving running times but an increased range of movement without pain. Even on the hard days of training Gary keeps me uplifted with his chirpy attitude and positive affirmations. I cannot recommend Gary enough.

Jasmine Finney – Runner and Swimmer


Gary Kettless has been working with me at the gym as my personal trainer for the best part of the year. Gary is patient, kind and challenging. He is also generous with his time. Our training sessions are rewarding and effective. Gary’s upbeat personality and attitude make my workout time enjoyable.

Elizabeth Herring – Mairangi Bay


I was injured playing basketball when I landed badly, smashing my left hip bone and leaving me in hospital for three months, with two plates supporting my hip joint as I had fractured it in 11 places. The first day I met Gary I was limping, with my left leg 2cm longer than my right one. He has been helping me achieve my goals regarding strength, stability and the rehabilitation of my injuries with his training methodology, as well as build my self confidence. He has created a specific fitness programme and trained with me with patience.  

As a result, I feel stronger and have built all the muscles back. Furthermore, the difference between my two legs is now down to 5mm which is normal range. I am 34 and was told by my doctor not to do any exercise and come back for a hip replacement when I am 50. My doctor was surprised at the recovery and strength I now have back in my hip. I have normal range, and even can run up and down the stairs again. 

Big thank you, Gary.

Shaun Wang





Shaun Wang

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